Thursday, September 29, 2011

Book of the Month: September

Just under the wire I thought I'd share a children's book that we took out from the library recently.  Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey is a charming classic that tells the story of a little girl and her mom picking blueberries for preserving.  I love the charm of this story as it follows the immediate desire of the young ones to munch the berries right away while the mamas say think of the future.  McCloskey also illustrated the story and my favorite image is on the front and back inside cover:

I've been enjoying images of old time kitchens recently.  This one would be from the 1940's.  So sweet.  A lovely story to share with the little ones you love.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Equinox

For the third year now we made our way to the other side of our mountain to share the morning with friends.  This year it wasn't hot like the first, and there was little sunshine like the second, but the day was autumnal in its mist...

 we spent time in the rose garden smelling the last of summer's warmth...

after the gentle rain dispersed we assembled a simple altar...

and of course played in the leaves.

this tradition is a comfortable one.  Kind of like a familiar sweater and a mug of tea.  Welcome Autumn!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

a collection of days

In the span of 20 days:

 September 2nd

September 9th

September 20th

September 22nd

When Autumn comes she comes, not a moment too soon or late.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I want to remember...

Kyan's art has blossomed into something more concrete to him.  This month he started drawing people and this is our first family portrait.

 Kyan upper right corner, Mama bottom right corner, Dada lower left, Elliott very faintly drawn beside Dada

 In terms of painting he is still loving orange of course

 Cutting out shapes and gluing them is a new passion 
(a new pass-time for Mama is picking up tiny paper bits off the floor)

And make no mistake.  Both Dada and Mama asked if the orange orb in the upper left of this one was the sun and we were both promptly told: "That's a circle!" Of course.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

is it over yet?

Even though we are only a week and a day away from the Autumnal Equinox I find myself looking forward to Samhain and the turning of the wheel.  The "official" new year is still months away but this year is wearing on our family a bit.  2011 will be forever momentous as the year of Elliott's birth,  a wonderful day but even on that day sickness was with us.  We've (or more specifically Dave and Kyan) have had quite a year for illness.  In 2010 I strove to increase our health and for much of the year we were healthy.  Near the end though things started grabbing us and we spent each month of this year except July with some sort of cold, infection or stomach upset.  And I'm done with it.  I, like most parents I'm sure don't do well with illness.  Colds are tolerable but stomach things and fevers and infections....blah.  I can't help but go over all the things I didn't get done or should have maintained etc. in the land of what if's.  What if I'd given us better food this week?  What if I'd cleaned that sink sooner?  I know I can't blame myself and that sickness is a normal part of living and of being.  But I can't help but wonder how such a healthy child for his first two years has had such a bad third, riddled with illness.  Unlucky, or maybe it's just how years progress ebbing and flowing with health and illness.  Also as I write this I have a profound thankfulness for the fact that each of these sicknesses has been a virus or bacterial infection and we have not had to battle something more serious.  For the courageous parents that face severe disease in their family I salute you all.  One day at a time, one hour, one minute...the parenting motto that never stops being true.

Also this week I am so relieved about this,
Worried about this and still thinking about how good this was.

I've got some chicken soup starting on the stove and hope to be back in this space by the weekend if not before.

Friday, September 9, 2011

of books and lists

As I mentioned last week (how did a week go by between posts?  Goodness....) there are lists forming.  I'm trying to get a more dependable schedule happening.  I have not been a very scheduled mom in the past almost 4 years but I'm noticing that Kyan may need more predictability in his days.  I would certainly enjoy a bit less chaos, negotiating and whining as well.  After reading some more about the nature of kids, and finally bending to parenting reading that I've already done I've decided to make us a time line.
Since we have an almost 6 month old in our family the time line is done in 2 hour stretches and will of course be subject to change.  But as I said we've never tried this before and if it doesn't work we can bid it farewell, but if it does then great.

I also decided this week to add one morning of home pre-school to our week.  When I say morning I mean an hour Tuesday morning with a themed "lesson".  I'll share more on our adventures with this idea in the future.  So given the amount of lists and planning I've been fitting in here and there I noticed many books lying around the house.

Hopefully I'll be adding regular blogging time to the schedule as well.

There are even more piles that didn't make the photos.  Dave's, cookbooks, and Ky's.

Books and lists and books and lists.  I haven't been dreaming of them yet but they fill my waking hours for now.

A list of the books pictured here:

2012 Polestar Planner (I still have the 2011 for now)

Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Pre-School Years

Creative Play for Your Toddler: Steiner Waldorf Expertise and Toy Projects for 2 - 4s

Steady Days: A Journey Toward Intentional, Professional Motherhood

The Pillow Book: Over 25 Simple-to-Sew Patterns for Every Room and Every Mood

The English Patient

Friday, September 2, 2011

teeth & tantrums

This week has been about a rhythm that is slowly forming around our little nest.  Elliott's first teeth are slowly pushing through the gums, we are learning just how important a reliable bedtime is for Kyan's 3 year old self (hence the second t word in the title).  Dave is jogging on a regular schedule and I am working in sewing time and yoga time.  Kyan starts pre-school in a couple of weeks so we are clinging to the last few days of official summer.  This time of year always brings a sense of balance to me.
This year it is a groggy and often exhausted balance but I want to savor it none-the-less.  As the busy season of autumn approaches I can't help but turn to list making to help me.  This season is full of birthdays, outings, celebrations, making and buying gifts, and oh, so many firsts for the little guy.  To top it all off this year we will also have a wedding to attend and a milestone birthday party all in the same two week period as Yule, Solstice and Ky's birthday.  Oh and of course I want to plan Elliott's naming ceremony and do something for the Equinox this month.
It is hard to believe that we have been living in this home now for over a year and while things are coming along nicely in the decor and organizing department there is still a list of things to do in that regard as well.
Let's face it, I'll always have lists of things to do.....but between the lines of the lists is where the magical moments happen.  Every day around 4 pm I've been stopping the daily work and just laying on the floor playing with my kids.  I think we are all getting some grounding out of it.  Some rest and connection time before Dada gets home from his day.
We are reading more, listening to music more, watching less t.v and in some blissful moments sleeping more (or trying to).  I've been rediscovering old loves: swimming, dancing in the kitchen, and wearing pretty clothes that fit.  And dreaming of future possibilities once I have more "me" time.
I welcome you September in all your orange spice glory.  The wheel keeps turning us through and teaching us too.