Thursday, January 7, 2010

Setting Goals for 2010

dawn, a time of new beginnings

I was planning to update last year's goals in this post but my six month review was pretty thorough I thought, so if you are interested you can find them here. One thing that I found funny when reading them over was that I planned to research a "pagan themed" essay and I have no idea what that "pagan theme" was. Perhaps I've written it down in my notebook and I will stumble across it one of these days...I was a bit too vague on that one, lol.
My goals for 2010 are less specific this year. I have lots of things that I would love to make for my home, chair cushions, a quilt for Kyan and of course I have the whole reorganization of my home in sight as well.
Spiritually I want to keep the momentum that I built up in 2009, again celebrating every Sabbat and not putting a requirement on the celebration being large or small but just marking it. As Kyan grows each year he is becoming better able to notice the changing seasons and celebrate with me. I lost some momentum with meditation and personal ritual work but I am recommitting myself to that goal, and art is stirring within but it of course changes like the weather.
Health is coming up a lot these days for our family. I feel like this year will be one where health in food and exercise will be in the forefront. Health in the holistic sense: physical, emotional and mental, since as the years progress I am reminded over and over again that they go hand in hand with each other.
I have lots of personal goals, some quiet and soul related and some that will be louder and reveal themselves with time. This year will be huge for Ky and some big changes will unfold in our relationship: weaning, potty training, moving into a big boy bed and developing more of that unique personality of his.
Seven days in to 2010 I think the year feels good. Fresh, limitless and mysterious too. I say mysterious because the universe has a way of unfolding time for you in ways that you can not anticipate and you often have to change your path accordingly.
Here's to 2010 and taking it all in stride (that's a goal I've been working on for years now).


Rue said...

Glad the year is starting out well for you - I like your goals!

The picture is gorgeous!

Bridgett said...

I think most folks are feeling very optimistic about this upcoming year. I know I am.

Hope 2010 is everything you hope it will be!


becka said...

Fresh, limitless and mysterious is a beautiful way to describe this new year. Love it.

Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! It was lovely to 'meet' you, and someone so close by too!