Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Book of the Month: February

Hopefully you all are not getting tired of my pregnancy related rambles here.  The end is nigh if you are but since this will be my last pregnancy and child I thought I'd pass on as much valid information as I could to blogland.  My book for this month is Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year: by Susun S. Weed.  The lovely Heidi Joy passed this book on to me for use during my pregnancy.  I have refered to it here and there when issues have arisen that I was interested in looking for remedies for.  As the title suggests this book covers the spectrum of this journey from:  "the two months before conception, the nine months of pregnancy, and the two months following the birth."

There are lovely illustrations, practical recipes for making herbal infusions or working with herbs in general and a very intuitive approach to health. 
" This book speaks to the Wise Woman in you-the pregnant woman-and to the Wise Woman in your mate, lover, midwife, doctor, childbirth educator, and friends.  It is based on the belief that you are capable of observing your own body, heart and mind, responding to the messages you recieve during the childbearing year, and caring for yourself in the context of loving support and assitance."
In the journey through making a new life having a resource that seeks to aide through natural remedy is a blessing in a culture that too often turns to harsh medical interventions.  

1 comment:

RetroKali said...

I LOVED this book, it got me through my second pregnancy and it waiting for a possible third. Good luck and thanks for posting!