Saturday, July 25, 2009

One for the Boys

*Image found here*

Last night I listened Druidcast's latest offering, episode 28. If you have never listened to this podcast please do. It is so inspirational and is of such a high quality. The host of Druidcast is Damh the Bard who is not only an accomplished singer/songwriter but a wonderful personality to listen to. He was kind enough to share his story called: The Horned God - An Unofficial Biography and it knocked my socks off. You can find the print version here or the audio here (scroll down to episode 28) It felt so appropriate to this time of year for me as well since Lughnasad is one of two Sabbats that I associate more with the God than the Goddess (the other being Yule). The story is legend, mixed with personal imagery and expresses a beautiful essence of manhood.
Hearing that essence in Damh's voice was moving beyond words. I see the essence of masculinity in my husband as he strives to provide for us and be authentically himself. I see it in the youth and rapid learning of my 19 month old son. I watched it for years in the physically demanding job that my father worked as a farmer, moving with the seasons and using his body to protect the animals and plant. I see it in the nurturing that emanates from my husband and our guy friends towards the gaggle of babies that encircle us. I am grateful to be surrounded by strong, gentle and silly men (as I consider being silly an important character trait).
When I contemplate the raising of the boy children in our circle I feel a massive sense of responsibility. Being a man in this day and age is not as cut and dry as it appeared to be years ago. Men receive as many mixed messages through media and society as women do. To raise an accomplished, whole and loving man is my mission. Luckily I have numerous examples around me.
Please have a listen or read The Horned God - An Unofficial Biography. It is worth your time and the virile image it conjures for the soul.

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