Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Fall Change over

Fall took a while to arrive this year. We had some really warm days after the equinox and it wasn't until October pulled up that we turned the heat on.

Summer decor is more sparse for us. I tend to simplify in the spring, removing clutter and making things feel lighter so that when the summer heat engulfs us we aren't reminded of it by our surroundings.

Autumn brings us a different perspective. The increase of chill in the air, spending more time indoors, I head towards cozy. Our bedspread changes from a fresh, cream coloured quilt to a thick, dark brown duvet. The throws are put out on the couch and the basket of baseball caps is replaced with one filled with toques, mitts and scarves in all their wooly warmness. I haven't yet been able to get the Halloween decor up, but at least our entryway is prepared. The shoe rack/catch-all table now has a black table runner to contrast the fresh green on from the spring, My sole surviving fall leaf tealight holder (from a set of 3....don't still makes me cry to talk about it) sits there and fills the room with the sent of pumpkin.

I'm busy these days with work and our second runny nose of the cold season but I am having fun too. Visiting, anticipating the fun of Halloween, gearing up for the Spiral Dance here in Vancouver on Sunday and revamping our family meal plan to create more balance and nutrition in our food. How is your fall progressing, what are you stirring up in your cauldron for the season?


JoyceAnn said...

Hi ~ Thanks for stopping by for the " Haunted Blog Tour " , altough it wasn't to haunting , hope you found something inspiring.

As for what's in my cauldron , not much this week , been feeling bad with a sore throat. Next week , I need to pickle the last of the garden's peppers , dig some dandelion & enchinacea roots and make tinctures.

~ Autumn Blessings ~

Bridgett said...

I love this time of year...that feeling of snuggling in for the winter. :)
